วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

kMS ver. 1.2.171 – Beginning of Evolution, Hyper Skills!

The sixth (and last?) part of the Tempest update has been released, giving us a new system, Hyper Skills! However, at the moment, only Hero and Nova classes have received them. Everyone else will have to wait until Nexon decides they want to release those…
This patch also includes the return of the Hero classes and Mystic bosses as an expansion to Cross Hunter~
You can now create any of the 5 Hero classes! On September 20, their creation will be removed, along with Kaiser, Angelic Burster, and Luminous. So we’ll be back to just the Adventurers, Resistance, and Knights of Cygnus, hehe.
A new system, Hyper Skills,  has been revealed! To get them, you must be level 140 or higher, and (at the moment) a Hero or Nova class.
To see your Hyper Skills, open your skill inventory and press the Hyper button. You’ll see three tabs.
There are three types of Hyper Skills. The first is stat enhancing passives (S), there are 13 of these and are common for all jobs. The second is skill enhancing passives (P), there are 9 of these, separated into 3 enhancing skills for 3 skills. Finally, there are the attack/buff actives (A), of which there are 3. One attacking skill and two buffs.
To get SP for your Hyper Skills, all you have to do is level up! Every 10 levels from 140 to 200, you’ll get specific SP for each of your tabs. They total to 6 S SP, 5 P SP, and 3 A SP.
If you want to reset your SP, you’ll have to pay a certain fee. This fee starts at 100k and caps at 10m for your fifth time and over.

All Classes

  •  Hyper Physical Guard: Passively increase your physical defense by 500. [required level: 165]
  •  Hyper Magical Guard: Passively increase your magical defense by 500. [required level: 174]
  •  Hyper Movement: Passively increase your speed by 10. [required level: 152]
  •  Hyper Jump: Passively increase your jump by 10. [required level: 146]
  •  Hyper Accuracy: Passively increase your accuracy by 20%. [required level: 158]
  •  Hyper Critical Rate: Passively increase your critical rate by 10%. [required level: 198]
  •  Hyper Dexterity: Passively increase your DEX by 50. [required level: 140]
  •  Hyper Intelligence: Passively increase your INT by 50. [required level: 140]
  •  Hyper Luck: Passively increase your LUK by 50. [required level: 140]
  •  Hyper Strength: Passively increase your STR by 50. [required level: 140]
  •  Hyper Max Heart Point: Passively increase your HP by 15%. [required level: 192]
  •  Hyper Max Magic Point: Passively increase your MP by 15%. [required level: 186]
  •  Hyper Max Demon Force: Passively increase your DF by 50. [required level: 180]


  •  Combo Recharge – Release: When using Combo Recharge, remove the HP requirement[required level: 143]
  •  Combo Recharge – Cooltime Reduce: Combo Recharge’s cooldown is decreased by 20%. [required level: 162]
  •  Combo Recharge – Additional Combo: Combo Recharge’s combo is doubled. [required level: 183]
  •  Final Blow – Reinforce: Final Blow’s damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 149]
  •  Final Blow – Bonus Attack: Final Blow’s attack count is increased by 1. [required level: 168]
  •  Final Blow – Ignore Guard: Passively increase the amount of monster’s defense ignored by Final Blow by 20%. [required level: 189]
  •  Combo Tempest – Bonus Attack: Combo Tempest’s attack count is increased by 1. [required level: 155]
  •  Combo Tempest – Linked Reinforce: Combo Judgement’s damage is increased by 30%. [required level: 177]
  •  Combo Tempest – Release: Combo Tempest’s required combo is halved. [required level: 195]
  •  Combo Unlimited: For 30 seconds, you can use any combo skill without using up your combo. There is a cooldown of 90 seconds. [required level: 150]
  •  Beyonder: Using Maha’s power with Aran’s, attack up to 8 enemies in front of you for 420% damage 3 times. When using this skill, you gain 100% critical rate and 20% defense ignore. After using this skill, you can use it up to 2 more times to activate its two other parts for a total of 3 (total of 9 hits). Maximum damage for this skill is 3,000,000. [required level: 170]
  •  Heroes’ Oath: The oath of the Maple heroes gives them and other Hero classes in their party 10% increased damage and the ability to pass the damage cap by up to 50,000 for 60 seconds. There is a cooldown of 120 seconds. [required level: 200]


  •  Illusion – Reinforce: Illusion’s damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 143]
  •  Illusion – Add Range: Illusion’s range is increased by 50. [required level: 162]
  •  Illusion – Ignore Guard: Passively increase the amount of monster’s defense ignored by Illusion by 20%. [required level: 183]
  •  Dark Fog – Reinforce: Dark Fog’s damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 149]
  •  Dark Fog – Cooltime Reduce: Dark Fog’s cooldown is decreased by 20%. [required level: 168]
  •  Dark Fog – Split Damage: Dark Fog’s damage is reduced to 1/4 and its attack count is increased to 4. [required level: 189]
  •  Blaze – Reinforce: Blaze’s damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 155]
  •  Blaze – Ignore Guard: Passively increase the amount of monster’s defense ignored by Blaze by 20%. [required level: 177]
  •  Blaze – Persist: Blaze’s stun time is increased by 4 seconds. [required level: 195]
  •  Frenzied Soul: The soul stone increases you and your party’s damage by 30% for 30 seconds. There is a cooldown of 90 seconds. [required level: 150]
  •  Summon Onyx Dragon: Summon an ancient Onyx Dragon to help you fight for 30 seconds, attacking up to 8 enemies for 1000% damage. There is a cooldown of 90 seconds. [required level: 170]
  •  Heroes’ Oath: The oath of the Maple heroes gives them and other Hero classes in their party 10% increased damage and the ability to pass the damage cap by up to 50,000 for 60 seconds. There is a cooldown of 120 seconds. [required level: 200]


  •  Ishtar’s Ring – Reinforce: Ishtar’s Ring’s damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 143]
  •  Ishtar’s Ring – Add Range: Ishtar’s Ring’s range is increased by 50. [required level: 162]
  •  Ishtar’s Ring – Linked Reinforce: Strike Dualshot’s damage is increased by 30%. [required level: 183]
  •  Water Shield – Reinforce: Water Shield’s damage reduction is increased by 10%. [required level: 149]
  •  Water Shield – Immunity Enhance 1: Water Shield’s resistance to states is increased by 10%. [required level: 168]
  •  Water Shield – Immunity Enhance 2: Water Shield’s elemental resistance is increased by 10%. [required level: 189]
  •  Legendary Spear – Reinforce: Legendary Spear’s damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 155]
  •  Legendary Spear – Reduce Armor: Legendary Spear’s decreased defenses effect is increased by 20%. [required level: 177]
  •  Legendary Spear – Linked Reinforce: Leap Tornado’s damage is increased by 30%. [required level: 195]
  •  Elvish Blessing: The Great Spirit’s blessing increases your attack by 80 and gives you 100% stance for 30 seconds. There is a cooldown of 90 seconds. [required level: 150]
  •  Wrath of Enlil: Enlil’s rage is used to attack up to 10 enemies in front of you for 300% damage 10 times. There is a cooldown of 8 seconds. Maximum damage for this skill is 3,000,000. [required level: 170]
  •  Heroes’ Oath: The oath of the Maple heroes gives them and other Hero classes in their party 10% increased damage and the ability to pass the damage cap by up to 50,000 for 60 seconds. There is a cooldown of 120 seconds. [required level: 200]


  •  Tempest of Card – Reinforce: Tempest of Card’s damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 143]
  •  Tempest of Card – Cooltime Reduce: Tempest of Card’s cooldown is decreased by 20%. [required level: 162]
  •  Tempest of Card – Extra Target: Tempest of Card’s number of monsters hit is increased by 2. [required level: 183]
  •  Ultimate Drive – Reinforce: Ultimate Drive’s damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 149]
  •  Ultimate Drive – Extra Target: Ultimate Drive’s number of monsters hit is increased by 2. [required level: 168]
  •  Ultimate Drive – Fast Movement: Your speed while using Ultimate Drive is increased by 10%. [required level: 189]
  •   Protect Misfortune – Immunity Enhance: Protect Misfortune’s resistance to states and elements is increased by 5%. [required level: 155]
  •  Protect Misfortune – Max Heart Point: Protect Misfortune’s HP boost is increased by 10%. [required level: 177]
  •  Protect Misfortune – Max Magic Point: Protect Misfortune’s MP boost is increased by 10%. [required level: 195]
  •  Final Judgement: Receive all of the Judgement cards’ effects, increasing your critical rate, item drop rate, and resistance to states and elements by 20%, your defense by 100%, and heal 3% HP on each attack for 30 seconds. There is a cooldown of 90 seconds. [required level: 150]
  •  Rose Carte Finale: A rose card is thrown into the air, scattering into many cards and shooting down at up to 15 enemies around you, hitting 700% damage 6 times. The cards left on the ground then explode, dealing an extra 700% damage 4 times on up to 8 enemies. There is a cooldown of 90 seconds. Maximum damage for this skill is 9,999,999. [required level: 170]
  •  Heroes’ Oath: The oath of the Maple heroes gives them and other Hero classes in their party 10% increased damage and the ability to pass the damage cap by up to 50,000 for 60 seconds. There is a cooldown of 120 seconds. [required level: 200]


  •  Light Reflection – Reinforce: Light Reflection’s damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 143]
  •  Light Reflection – Spread: Light Reflection’s damage reduction when reflected is removed. [required level: 162]
  •  Light Reflection – Add Range: Light Reflection’s range is increased by 50. [required level: 183]
  •  Apocalypse – Reinforce: Apocalypse’s damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 149]
  •  Apocalypse – Recharge: Apocalypse’s effect on the Light/Dark gauge is increased. [required level: 168]
  •  Apocalypse – Extra Target: Apocalypse’s number of monsters hit is increased by 2. [required level: 189]
  •  Absolute Kill – Reinforce: Absolute Kill’s damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 155]
  •  Absolute Kill – Extra Target: Absolute Kill’s number of monsters hit is increased by 1. [required level: 177]
  •  Absolute Kill – Add Range: Absolute Kill’s range is increased by 50. [required level: 195]
  •  Memorize: Enter the Equilibrium state instantly. There is a cooldown of 150 seconds. [required level: 170]
  •  Armageddon: Using the Black Mage’s power, attack up to 15 enemies around you for 1000% damage 3 times and restrict them from moving or buffing for 20 seconds. There is a cooldown of 120 seconds. Maximum damage for this skill is 9,999,999. [required level: 170]
  •  Heroes’ Oath: The oath of the Maple heroes gives them and other Hero classes in their party 10% increased damage and the ability to pass the damage cap by up to 50,000 for 60 seconds. There is a cooldown of 120 seconds. [required level: 200]


  •  Giga Slasher – Reinforce: Giga Slasher’s damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 143]
  •  Giga Slasher – Persist: Giga Slasher’s slow duration is increased by 5 seconds. [required level: 162]
  •  Giga Slasher – Bonus Attack: Giga Slasher’s attack count is increased by 1. [required level: 183]
  •  Infernal Breath – Reinforce: Infernal Breath’s damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 149]
  •  Infernal Breath – Tile Persist: Infernal Breath’s tile duration is increased by 10 seconds. [required level: 168]
  •  Infernal Breath – Tile Reinforce: Infernal Breath’s tile damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 189]
  •  Wingbeat – Reinforce: Wingbeat’s damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 155]
  •  Wingbeat – Persist: Wingbeat’s duration is increased by 5 seconds. [required level: 177]
  •  Wingbeat – Extra Attack: Wingbeat’s attack count is increased by 8. [required level: 195]
  •  Majesty of Kaiser: The former Kaiser’s courage and will resets your cooldowns, increases your attack by 30, attack speed by 1 stage, and lets you ignore monster’s defense buffs for 30 seconds. There is a cooldown of 90 seconds. [required level: 150]
  •  Prominence: The skill that the former Kaiser last used, summon an ancient Nova to cover the screen in flames, dealing 1000% damage 8 times on up to 15 enemies. There is a cooldown of 90 seconds. Maximum damage for this skill is 9,999,999. [required level: 170]
  •  Final Trans: Enter the Final Figuration state instantly. There is a cooldown of 300 seconds. [required level: 200]

Angelic Burster

  •  Soul Seeker – Make Up: Soul Seeker’s regeneration rate is increased by 10%. [required level: 143]
  •  Soul Seeker – Reinforce: Soul Seeker’s damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 162]
  •  Soul Seeker – Recharge Up: Soul Seeker’s Recharge rate is increased by 10%. [required level: 183]
  •  Finitura Fettuccia – Reinforce: Finitura Fettuccia’s damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 149]
  •  Finitura Fettuccia – Maxed Reinforce: Finitura Fettuccia’s debuff’s effect that increases maximum damage on a monster is increased by 100,000. [required level: 168]
  •  Finitura Fettuccia – Cooltime Reduce: Finitura Fettuccia’s cooldown is decreased by 20%. [required level: 189]
  •  Soul Resonance – Reinforce: Soul Resonance’s damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 155]
  •  Soul Resonance – Cooltime Reduce: Soul Resonance’s cooldown is decreased by 20%. [required level: 177]
  •  Soul Resonance – Add Time: Soul Resonance’s duration is increased by 12 seconds. [required level: 195]
  •  Soul Exalt: Resonate with Escada’s soul, amplying your strength giving you 100% Recharge chance for 30 seconds. There is a cooldown of 90 seconds. [required level: 150]
  •  Super Nova: Using Escada’s strength, borrow the power of space to hit up to 15 monsters for 800% damage every second for up to 12 seconds. There is a cooldown of 90 seconds. Maximum damage for this skill is 9,999,999. [required level: 170]
  •  Final Contract: Receive the full power of your contract with Escada, giving you 30% critical rate, 100% stance, and 100% resistance to states and elements for 30 seconds. There is a cooldown of 120 seconds. [required level: 200]
Thanks to Fiel of Southperry for the skill icons and effects!
In Henesys, Pantheon, and Leafre, Mystic Field portals have appeared. As a member of Cross Hunter, you’ll have to go investigate!
You can quickly teleport to one of these towns by using the Mystic Field portal UI on the side of your screen. Remember that there is a 30 minute cooldown in between teleports!
You’ll find yourself in a Mystic Field. In the middle is the monster summoning magic circle, where a boss monster may spawn.
Every 15 minutes, a random boss will spawn in a random channel. You’ll receive a message in your chatbox when this happens.
These bosses can include Van Leon, Akyrum, Hilla, Zakum, and Horntail! They’re sort of weakened so it shouldn’t be as hard as the real thing!
Each day you’ll get quests from Professor to defeat the different bosses, you’ll get experience and 5 Cross Coins for each one.
Everyone who fights a boss is guaranteed a prize, but if you do more damage, you’ll be higher on the Attack Ranking UI and gain even more prizes!
You will get at least one of the items on the left (depending on which boss you fight), and the higher your rank, the more you’ll get. 1st place gets 6 items, 2nd place gets 5 items, 3rd place gets 4 items, and so on.
These items can include a variety of things including a medal for each boss, a special boss item, their illustration, and even the items the real versions would drop! This includes Lion King Coins, the Dark Soul Pet, Zakum Helmets, and Horntail Pendants!
New items have been added in the Cross Hunter shop, including new level 115 accessories and a ticket that instantly moves you to Edelstein.
The Mystic set consists of a face accessory, eye accessory, earrings, a pendant, and a belt. They all have slots so I guess they can be potentialed. I don’t wanna list all the stats hehe, so 공격력 is attack and 마력 is magic attack. The last line on each equip is how many slots it has. They’re all untradeable.
They also have a set effect! 7 all stats and 6 attack and magic attack for 3 equips, again for 4 equips, and once more for 5 equips.
The Completion of the Five Heroes Celebration event has begun! It runs until September 20, when you can no longer create these classes.
On a Hero class at level 10, you’ll get the Completion of the Five Heroes medal, which gives 300 HP and MP, and 1 attack and magic attack.
At level 30, you’ll get the Green General set as well as an Epic on reveal weapon for your class.
At level 50, you’ll get a Legend Maple Silver Ring which gives 2 to all stats, 15 defense and magic defense, 10 accuracy, and 5 speed (untradeable upon equipping) and another Epic on reveal weapon.
At level 60, you’ll get the Purple Senior set as well as an Epic on reveal weapon.
At level 70, you’ll receive a Hero’s Feather (there’s a different colour for each class!) as well as one last Epic on reveal weapon.
The Hero’s Feather gives 10 to all stats, 150 HP and MP, 100 defense and magic defense, 10 slots and comes Unique on reveal. It can be traded with a Share Name Tag. It also gives an extra 10 to your stat and 5 to attack (or magic attack) if you are 3rd or 4th job.
There’s also a couple of Hot Times. On August 25, you’ll get an Ultimate Circulator (expires in 3 days), the Tempest Glasses (3 to all stats, 1 attack and magic attack, expires in 30 days, can be traded with a Share Name Tag), and an Advanced Potential Scroll.
10 people per world will receive an 80% Unique Potential Scroll (untradeable), and 25 people per world will receive a Hair Coupon for one of the above hairs (it is also untradeable).
On August 26, you’ll get an Ultimate Circulator, an 8 Slot Expansion Coupon for a random inventory type, an Equipment Enhancement Scroll (amazing!) and a 50% Positive Chaos Scroll.

